Other Services
- Architectural services – Professionally qualified Architect – B. Arch. Degree level awarded by U.C.D.
- Project Management services – Diploma in Project Management awarded by T.C.D.
- Registered Architect through membership of the RIAI ( the only registration body for Architects in Ireland ) and therefore legally entitled to accept appointment as Assigned Certifier in construction projects, a role legally defined under the Building Control Regulations. Refer to www.RIAI.ie
- Awarded Fellowship of the RIAI in 2017 following a vote of the membership.
- Accredited by the RIAI to offer services relating to conservation projects.
- Accredited by the RIAI to accept appointment as Project Supervisor for the Design Phase of a project often referred to as the PSDP role which refers to Health and Safety issues relevant to construction projects. Refer to www.HSA.ie for information on the responsibilities of property owners relating to construction sites.

- Project Co-ordination through all stages of the project including through design, planning, tender, contracts, commencement notice period, construction, staged payments, practical completion, snagging, certification and property registration.
- Project Co-ordination relating to the preparation, application for and application of other statutory approvals including relating to Fire Safety Certificates
( FSC ) and Disability Access Certificates ( DAC ). - Mapping – The preparation and issue of Land Registry Compliant mapping used in such as property conveyancing etc.
- Property Reports – The preparation and issue of Property Reports relating to the potential development or re-development of vacant and developed sites and properties.
- Appeals – The preparation and submission of appeals to An Bord Pleanala.
- Consulting – Paul has provided architectural consultation services to a number of outside architectural practices over the years.